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Sponsored Post

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Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a post on QualityEngineersGuide.

Program features

  • Your post will be treated exactly like any other post on QualityEngineersGuide with immediate inclusion on Qualityengineersguide Experts home page the moment it is published and within 48 hours on the home page of
  • Promotion of post across QualityEngineersGuide social media accounts.
  • At $150 per sponsored post, a cost-effective way to reach our audience of growing small businesses

Please review the following guidelines prior to submitting your post

  • The sponsored post program is designed to provide vendors with a way to reach our readership by providing valuable non-product specific information. Overt commercials will be rejected.
  • Posts must be between 800 to 2500 words.
  • All submitted content must belong to you.
  • You may include in-line links to your company, but only a select few that are in context to the topic of the post.
  • We do not accept posts containing affiliate links.
  • We reserve the right to reject any submission, for any reason.

Process for submitting your sponsored post

  1. Please fill out the below application, including the content of your post.
  2. We will review the post within one week and let you know if we have approved it.
  3. In some cases, we may contact you and ask for small revisions. If the post requires major revisions, we will reject it.
  4. When the post is approved, we will provide you with a link for payment. The cost of each sponsored post is $150.
  5. Once we receive payment, we will contact you to schedule a time when the post will be published.


Sponsored Post Application

  • Tell Us About You

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please enter a 1 paragraph bio to accompany your article.
One or two sentences overview of your post.
Tell us how you want the "This post brought to you by ___" text to read. This will be placed at the end of the article, right before the author box.
Place the full text of your article here.
Write your tags or keywords here. 3 to 5 numbers.
LinkedIn Link, Facebook profile or page, Twitter
Enter the full URL of your personal or company website.
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