7 Greatest Achievements I Made as a QA/QC Engineer

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The seven greatest achievements I made as a QA/QC Engineer are all products of hard work and dedication as this profession requires a thorough understanding of the principles of a product as well as service excellence evaluation. To be a Certified Quality Engineer takes a lot of patience and perseverance.

What is even more challenging, during my time, is the availability of information online that can guide me in understanding the field quickly. There were no blogs, websites, online courses, or YouTube channel(s) that I can learn from.

But as the saying goes by, where there’s a will, there’s a way, I’ve withstood these obstacles which eventually led to these achievements I will forever take pride.

Through this blog, I am hoping to inspire all aspiring quality assurance and control engineers that no matter how tough the struggles you are about to face in becoming successful in this field, the determination will take you to your desired goals.

Here are the seven greatest achievements I made as a QA/QC engineer that I hope that you’ll obtain as well (or even more).


1. Acquiring my first car


After two years working as a QAQC engineer, I was able to buy my first car – a Toyota Yaris model 2010. It was deemed necessary since the workplace is far from where I live. Moreover, it has become convenient in attending to the renewal of documents (e.g. DFA clearance, passport) and the like. Most importantly, it has been a favorable decision since the transportation system from where I reside takes up time.

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2. Bought my first home lot or land (The best of all the seven greatest achievements I made as a QA/QC Engineer)


Through this profession, I was also able to buy a 1,100 square meters home lot. Back then, the price for a square meter in our city was 64 Dirhams (17.64 USD or PHP 900.00). As of this writing, the price for a square meter in the city center of our province is PHP 5,000.00 per square meter. This home lot was one of the investments I’ve initially made.


3. Quality vacations with family

While being a quality engineer takes up most of my days, it is still my priority to spend some quality time with my family. You should also indulge in luxury vacations every now and then as it helps you to relieve stress, enjoy the wonders of the world, and at the same time inspire you to work even harder to visit more places around the globe.


When I first went to Thailand, its sceneries left an imprint on my mind. If you are keen to visit the country, you might want to check their Floating Market also known as Damnoen Saduak.

Together with my family, we visited Malaysia and was able to visit Petronas and Putrajaya. I would recommend to anyone taking some time in Putrajaya as the place never run out of exciting activities – from visiting the Putra Mosque and Millennium Monument to trying out hot air balloon and enjoying the Segway and flyboard.

After Malaysia, our next escapade was Singapore during the Christmas season. Their airport alone, Changi, is exquisitely sophisticated that it has been named one of the best airports in the world.

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We also visited the Singapore Universal Studio and tried almost all the rides there. Our tour, I called it as the tour in Singapore. We also went to see the famous Merlion and the Gardens by the Bay that is truly captivating. We’re planning to pay another visit to the Lion City and be enthralled by other sceneries we have yet to see.


4. Built and established QA/QC engineers blog qualityengineersguidedotcom

As a QA/QC engineer, I am eager to share my knowledge all over the globe. It is my desire to impart to my fellow engineers my experiences and relieve them from the mistakes I’ve made. Early on in my career, I had no idea what I was doing. It took me years to know everything about the scope and responsibilities of a QA/QC engineer.

Through my inclination of helping aspiring engineers, I’ve decided to build a QA/QC Engineer website around December 2013. And I’ve received an influx of messages from people expressing their gratitude with all the things I’ve shared on the site. Up until now, this site continuously guides QA/QC engineer aspirants.


5. Invested in real estate by 2013 (One of the best achievements of QA/QC Engineer)


For QA/QC engineers reading this, I would suggest investing in real estate properties such as home lot as it has value appreciation annually, which means the price of the lot or land increases every year or also known as the Year-Over-Year (Y-O-Y) gain.

I bought a 600 square meters lot or land in 2013. The price per square meter at the time was AED 15.5 (4.25 USD or PHP 216.00). Today, it’s value has gone up to PHP 1,7000.00 per square meters. So, if I will sell the land it is worth around 20,000 USD or PHP 1M.

Read also:  Quality Control


6. Acquisition of another investment by 2014

Just after a year from acquiring my last investment, I bought another lot or land of the same size which costs PHP 617.00 per square meter. This lot or land was just adjacent to the previous lot or land I bought. Just from imagining how much this lot or land would increase annually serves as a motivation to invest your income in this type of investment as soon as possible.


7. Built a one-unit apartment


It has been a long dream of mine to build and own an apartment – and this dream finally became a reality. After acquiring the lot and creating necessary drawings, plans, structural design to getting all the necessary permits, the construction finally began.

The initial plan is a five-unit apartment, but due to financial constraints, I’ve settled to constructing a one-unit apartment first. Fortunately, as of writing, the remaining four units will be completed soon. In the long run, I’m planning to build a commercial property along the highway and more apartment units behind it.


Guys! Are you excited to achieve these things as well, my greatest achievements as a QA/QC engineer?

While you are working as a QAQC engineer, just keep on investing your income and soon you will see how these investments grown and eventually help you. Mark my word.

Related Article:
  1. What is the QA/QC Engineer and What is he doing on site?
  2. The 7 Roles and Responsibilities of a QAQC Engineer
  3. Main Reasons Why I Created QA/QC Engineer’s Academy
  4. The Duties and Responsibilities of a QA/QC Engineer

If you are already working as a QAQC engineer, go ahead and start building your plan and start achieving your deepest goals like I did.

If you are a newbie or a new graduate or anyone who would like to take the QA/QC engineering as a career, you may enroll in our online course Quality Engineers Academy.

If you have any question(s), kindly contact us at [email protected] or at our contact page.

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The above are all the achievements of a QA/QC Engineer. Do you want to follow those mentioned achievements of QA/QC Engineer?
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